Οι BLACK REUSS από το Λιχτενστάιν μιλούν στο Pyramis news

Welcome to Pyramis! What different does Black Reuss bring to the world of music? What separates you from other goth/dark rock/metal bands?

Hello and thank you very much for the interview.

This is not an easy question… I don’t have the claim that I’m doing something new and unprecedented. But I firmly believe that every person is an individual. And if he then makes his creation absolutely authentic, it also has a unique selling point. What I’m doing at the moment is a concept about 4 album in which I sing about my life flow and the experiences I have made. I sing about the desire to arrive someday and to have a predominantly happy life. I think that makes it already unique. Musically it is exactly what I would like to do. My music has other influences as well. Not only Goth, Dark Rock or Metal.



You have recently signed with Sliptrick Records. They will re-release your first 2 self-released albums (Metamorphosis and Journey). Will the 3rd Black Reuss album be released from Sliptrick too or you prefer to DIY it?

Yes that’s right. I’m very grateful to Sliptrick for picking my music and seeing that it was right to re-release the albums. We haven’t discussed yet if they want to continue.D It’s still too early…. we are still working on the first two albums.



What are the differences between Metamorphosis and Journey both musically and lyrically?

Musically, there is not much difference. Except that I find the compositions on Journey better. I also think that the vocals are better on Journey. In terms of lyrics, Journey is a continuation of Metamorphosis. Journey is the second chapter of four. Each chapter is an album and in each album is the story of the chapter. This will also be the case with the next 2 albums. The story is continuous but the theme of the flow of life and the experiences associated with it will run through all 4 albums.



How did people accept both Metamorphosis and Journey? Which album and which track is the fans’ favorite?

The feedback was quite positive, which I am very happy about. The favorite songs so far are Anger and Incomplete from Metamorphosis,  Dependence and Hole from Journey.



Have you started working on your 3rd album yet?

Yes, in fact, I’m almost done songwrighting. After that it’s time for the details and the recordings. For Arrival, my third album, I will take some more time. I feel that it’s getting better again and that it’s worth working on it a bit more intensively. I think it will be released in the fall of 2023.



What triggers you to write music and lyrics? Do you follow any routine when composing a new song or writing an album for Black Reuss?

What triggers me is the desire to make music. I love it and for me it is part of my life. I have tried to get along without it. That worked for a while, but then this desire came again.

It’s different with songwrighting. Sometimes there is a good guitar riff and sometimes a line of lyrics or a melody. Then I start to build something around it and from one idea comes the other. With the lyrics I have already defined the themes in the concept. I build up a story about the four albums and for each of the four albums, in which I write down the story in key words. The notes then become lyrics. I always compose a melody first and then the lyrics.



Is there an artist or band that you would like to work with? And how did your collaboration with Coroner members happen? Please share the whole story.

No. There is not one band I would like to work with. If then individual musicians. But in this regard it is important to me that it makes musical sense and not for marketing reasons. Both is of course optimal, but the music must be the motivator for it.

I could imagine having a female voice in one or two songs in the third album. We’ll see if something comes up.

I know Tommy from Coroner for quite a while and we are friends. We meet not only because of the music, but also to hang out and spend time together. Sometimes a glass of wine or a good meal and exchange ideas. I bought Coroner albums as a teenager and listened to them a lot. Especially as a guitarist Tommy is of course a reference. He is a great guitarist. Coroner is a band that has made it into the history of metal music and rightly so. I got to know Tommy before the reunion and I remember very well that I persuaded him to get Coroner back together. There would be still some things to say and it would be a pity if the world can’t hear them anymore. Because they are also LIve such a blast. I met Diego through Tommy and I’m glad he’s doing the drums for Black Reuss because I just can’t do that. The drums are the engine of any rock band and if they get out of sync then the whole machine starts to lag.



Have you ever been asked to play live shows? What’s your attitude as an artist towards live shows?

Oh yes. Lately quite often, in fact. At the moment I don’t play live yet, because I want to wait for the right moment. I feel that it will come soon… so it could well be that Black Reuss will soon be seen live. I personally love to play live and when the audience joins in and gives you the love back, there is almost nothing more awesome than that.



Some people prefer to listen to music with headphones. Others with speakers. Some people prefer to listen to music at night, while others at daytime. Some people prefer to listen music alone at home and others on the streets or in their cars. What is the best environment for listening to Black Reuss music? What do you think?

I believe that everyone should listen to their music where they are most comfortable. Black Reuss is certainly not always the party music and therefore I think you can sit back and enjoy it. But as I said, since everyone is individual, everyone reacts differently and that is very good.



Music, as a form of Art, evolves just like life itself. Where do you think Music as a form of Art is at this very moment in its long way from Ancient times to the far future times?

Music is and always has been a universal language with which you can reach everyone who hears it. Under certain circumstances you can even feel music, even if you have not received the gift of hearing it. Music is and has been the best communication medium in the world. It will remain so for eternity. And because not everyone receives the message exactly the same way, it’s all the more exciting. These feelings that you can transport with it, you can only do that with very few things. Maybe with BIlder or written word.



How do you think of Black Reuss? Do you have a schedule of the bands lifecycle? What are your dreams and goals for Black Reuss? Thank you for the interview!

No at the moment I can’t foresee how long I want to do this. Maybe because I’m really into it and I haven’t even thought about stopping. I dream of playing in big halls or on festivals. Not necessarily stadiums but medium sized music clubs that have a good sound system and people go there to listen to live music. And I also dream that I can touch as many people as possible with my music and that maybe something will remain when I am gone. I mean, what else should it be about in our life, if not to leave something good. And I don’t just mean that in a musical sense. We should all try harder to have the goal to leave something good and not a garbage dump or a devastated planet, for example.


Thank you for the interview.



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Black Reuss – HOLE

Black Reuss – ANGER



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