Οι Αμερικανοί VERITAS μιλούν στο Pyramis News


Welcome Veritas! First of all please introduce the band.

The band is Denny Anthony-vocals, Greg Wenk-guitar, Geno Alberico-bass and Mark Zonder-studio drums


You are currently recording your 2nd album. What can you reveal about this new album?

We have completed 8 songs so far and should have a total of 12 when finished. It’s a progression for the band. Everyone is more comfortable with the songwriting process and the other members styles and abilities. We are currently shopping a few of the tracks to labels that have shown interest and are shooting for a summer release in 2023.


Your debut “Threads of Fatality” was a really great heavy metal cd. How did the sales of the album do? And what kind of feedback did you get?

The sales were decent for an unsigned band especially since it was released during covid and we weren’t able to get out to promote it. On the illegal download sites it did very well. A few in Russia had more than 40,000 downloads. Feedback has been great! We’ve been getting great reviews and interviews/ airplay from all around the globe. It reached places we didn’t expect.


Mark Zonder is one of the most respected drummers in the metal scene. How did you come to cooperate with Mark?

Is this a permanent cooperation that will continue to the new album? It was actually Denny’s idea to contact him. We had been writing songs for our first cd and our original drummer had to leave.  Denny had worked with Mark before in some of his previous projects and suggested we contact him. Yes, Mark is also recording the drums for our newest cd and it’s sounding great!


Veritas members live in different States/cities. Do you guys meet to rehearse or use the internet to exchange your ideas?

So far, we have been using the internet to share song ideas. Each of us has a home studio that we record in and then we send the files to Daryl Bolichek at Wild Horse Recording to have him mix them.


You are all very experienced musicians in the band and you all have been into metal for many years. What has changed over the years in metal?

Technology has been the main change. It’s now possible to record at home without having to pay a lot of money for studio time. It gives you the ability to get the best recording possible without worrying about deadlines due to cost. It’s also very easy to get your music online and available worldwide. The drawback is everyone else is also uploading music and the challenge is to find a way to get people to listen.


Which bands do you think are influences for Veritas?

There are a lot. Obviously early Queensryche, Fates Warning, A few of my influences are Savatage, George Lynch, Yngwie, KISS, Metal Church.


Do you listen to new metal bands? Have you found any interesting new band you follow?

Yes, I have been listening to Manimal, Dynazty, Brainstorm, Firewind, Gus G


Veritas play a classic style of heavy metal and hard rock music. But what is your opinion about nu metal, modern/groove metal and styles like metalcore and deathcore? Are you into these styles? Would you ever use such elements in Veritas?

They’re not my preference although I like a few bands like Disturbed. We don’t really try to write in a certain style but we do sound like a sum of our influences. I prefer more melodic guitar playing instead of a more rhythmic style like djent. We want our songs to be melodic enough for the general audience but also technical enough to keep musicians interested.


Do you have any upcoming live shows? Who will fill in for the drums? Any plans to play overseas, in Europe maybe?

No live shows currently but we would love to tour overseas, maybe some festivals in the summer and of course here in the US. We are working to get something set up if we can get some label support and get the logistics worked out.  We are currently auditioning drummers so we’ll be prepared for the opportunity.


Why do you think someone should listen to Veritas? What new do you have to give to the scene and which are your strengths and weaknesses as a band?

Thank you for the interview! If they are a fan of the classic hard rock/metal sound they should check us out. We do have some progressive elements and also from what reviews have said a bit of power metal as well. We write to make the songs the best they can be instead of showing off our abilities. There are technical elements but not that will distract from the non-musicians enjoying the songs. Our strength and weakness are we’re not trying to following the trends or trying to emulate another band which gives us a unique sound but it will still be familiar to fans of classic metal. Basically, we try to write songs that we would love even if not in the band. Thanks for the interview!








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