“Alexandria and Hellenism in Northern Egypt” in an International Conference at the BA


On the occasion of the 130th anniversary of the Archaeological Society of Alexandria, the BA Alexandria Center for Hellenistic Studies and the Archaeological Society of Alexandria, in collaboration with the Centre d’Études Alexandrines and the A.G. Leventis Foundation, organizes an international conference entitled “Alexandria and Hellenism in Northern Egypt”, dedicated to the memory of Professor Mostafa El-Abbadi. The conference will be held on Sunday, 7 May 2023, at 9:00 am, in the BACC Small Theater.


A host of local and international scholars and researchers of Alexandrian studies will participate in the conference, with the aim of discussing studies related to the history of Alexandria and its civilizational and cultural heritage.


The conference will shed light on the archaeological areas where recent archaeological research has revealed new aspects of Hellenism – that is, the ancient Greek civilization – in Alexandria, the northwest coast of Egypt and the Delta, as well as the Egyptian oases.


The conference is open to the public, and simultaneous interpretation is available.






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